Search all your work,
all in one place.

Pull examples of your work from multiple integrations, no matter what type of data it is.

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by time range.

Select a start and end date to look at work within a specific review cycle.

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to your work.

Automatically include evidence of your accomplishments without scrolling through months of data.

Performance Reviews

Deliver equitable reviews that look at all their work, not just lines of code.

Deliver equitable reviews that look at all their work, not just lines of code.

Start your free trial today, no payment required.

Start your free trial today, no payment required.


✅ Asana | (

✅ Linear | (eden)

✅ GitHub | (edeng)

/thinksy settings

9:15 AM


Connected Apps


🚀 Execution:

Here is @Eden's review based on

their work in the last month:

🤝 Collaboration:

💻 Technical Quality:

9:15 AM


All their work,
all in one place.

Look through their work across integrations, to be confident you're capturing everything.

Look through their work across integrations, to be confident you're capturing everything.

Refine your search
by time range.

Select a start and end date to look at work within a specific review cycle.


Time Range

Start Date

9:15 AM


End Date

/thinksy settings


🚀 Execution:

Here is @Eden's review based on

their work in the last month:

🤝 Collaboration:

💻 Technical Quality:

9:15 AM



🚀 Execution:

🫡 On it, boss! Give me a few moments ⌛

9:15 AM


Updated website design

Include links back to the work itself.

Dig deeper into examples of their work without sludging through months of data.

Dig deeper into examples of their work without sludging through months of data.

Start delivering equitable performance reviews today.

Start your free trial today, no payment required.

Start your free trial today, no payment required.

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